
Monday, December 10, 2012

Boy Pilgrim Manifesto

We are all pilgrims, trying to find our places in this world. Whether you be Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Taoist, Scientologist, Hindu, or, like myself, Christian, we are all pilgrims inevitably searching for the same thing: Home. Home not only in the life beyond this one, but our homes in this life, our meaning and our direction, to where and to whom we shall give our lives. This is a blog about my pilgrimage, moving from being a boy into becoming a man. Where I see beauty and where I find home.  I am merely a spiritual child, I do not claim to be a wise man, and if you are here to find directions from someone who has done it all I implore you to leave and never come back, for your own sake. If you have come to journey with a Catholic college student whose only desire is to find where he fits in and to see the beauty of God hidden within the universe, I welcome you with open arms.

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